Tag Archives: blueprint for black power

No Justice! No Peace! Please…Give It a Rest!

18 Apr

There have been some very disappointing events for African-American people here in the USA as of late. They Zimmerman Trial and the Dunn Trial are two such events. Also, what about the disappointing delay for the Central Park 5 getting compensation for their wrongful imprisonment?

Well, I am not one to protest and such. I’d rather boycott those who disrespect and dehumanize black people.

The Montgomery Bus Boycott is a great example of how to conduct yourselves when someone disrespect you.

A lot of us have gone soft with the advent of social media.

Special shout-out to Tariq Nasheed and Tommy Sotomayor for spitting the truth to power and the people on these matters.

To be clear, it is all about replacing the current system of White Supremacy with a system of justice for ALL. Not replacing it with “Black Supremacy” or any other supremacy for that matter.

Check out the sonnet below I wrote expressing my feeling on this.

no justice no peaceBlack people marching will NOT get it done.

Neither will long Facebook or Twitter rants.

These tactics are very easy for folks to shun.

Let’s rethink strategy and make a stance.

Boycotts work better; no respect, no loot.

Stop the public statements of forgiveness.

It is not intelligent; gets the boot!

We should expect more, not settle for less.

Neely Fuller, Frances Cress-Welsing; GIANTS!

They teach us how to understand our plight.

Marimba Ani explains their mindset.

White Supremacy needs OUR compliance.

We have plans that work. Get ready, get set…

Claud Anderson, Amos Wilson; our best.

“No Justice! No peace!” Please…give it a rest!